Tuesday, 13 April 2010

What have i been making this year?

The project i have spent the most time on this year has been finishing the first isssue of my webcomic, goost26, and starting the second issue. I started the first issue when i was fifteen, so i was glad to finally complete it. hopefully you can see an improvement over the last six years!

Issue One

the third issue of goost is going to feature alot of space battles, and i've been working in maya to produce a range of ships to fill up the pages:

I've also started a new webcomic project, called willderness, i'm still in the early stages of working out the story, but this is the first page. it doesnt show you alot, but shows a little bit of the starship design i have been developing.

I also created the posters designed to promote the fun run we had at work- it was a bit of a change for me working on something so bright and colorful.

the hardest part of this project was that afterwards i had to run the fun run too!

At the moment, i'm working on the second issue of goost, as well as trying to create a new portpholio website. i also hope to have an updated showreel online in the summer. as well as showcasing some of my animated work in better quality than it is now.
i'm also learning about typography and print design- as i figure some more general design skills might be usefull in the future, and also because after watching the film Helvetica, i'm feeling really inspired.

Goost 26 Covers

Brought this over from my goost blog, these are the covers i made for the first two issues of my comic:

Links For New Mac Users

just sent this to one of my collegues at work, thiught id put it here for future reference-

keyboard shortcuts:


Moving itunes library from PC to Mac:


Downloads and Stuff

Video Streaming


Monday, 11 May 2009

Goost26 Page

This is one of the first pages of Goost i've created since finishing my degree. I'm feeling really motivated to carry this story foreward- and now, hopefully i have the skills i need to do it justice.

this is page fifteen of issue one, so it wont make much sense on its own, however the entire issue should shortly be hosted on my new blog goost26.blogspot.com.


8.33 To Moscow from Matt Cotterill on Vimeo.

The Finished Film, presented courtesy of Vimeo.com. looking back on the film now, there are many things i would have done differently, but in the end I'm still happy with the finished output of my degree.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Showreel 07

this is a showreel i created as part of a project at uni. the aim was to create a braod spectrum of animated styles to show all the different skill i have learned on the course. Unfortunately working on 8.33 did not give me a lot of time to spend on the project and I'm not sure it represents my best work. this summer i want to use the time off to create a really high quality showreel that will represent me better. my big influence in showreel design is Conrad Ostwald. His showreel is highly entertaining as well as showing his extreme talent and skill.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

The Completed Charecters Models

These are the finished character models for Coleman Lewis and Prunella.

The Train

The train is another really important part of the film. i worked to make sure the finished model would have a iconic design, rather than just another steam train. i chose the color red as it would provide a contrast to the detectives green car.

the finished train was based on this image, i liked its slab sides and strange flat front, as it presented a contrast to the art deco streamlining of the rest of the film:

The Banshee

this is a model that i created in my second year at Uni, as a kind of side project. i never created an animation to feature it, now i've finished my course i may have time.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

The Car

This is the first model i created for the film. this car has a major role in the early stages of the film -Allthough it comes to a sticky end. I based the car on a this Mercedes SSK convertible.

I based the car on a this Mercedes SSK convertible.